Dartmoor Pony Registry of America
Who are we?
Founded in 1956, the Dartmoor Pony Registry of America is a small, private organization which maintains the official studbook for Dartmoor ponies in America. We maintain a database on DPRA-registered Dartmoors and provide information about the breed with a free pamphlet and our website.
Although primarily a Registry, the DPRA welcomes anyone interested in the Dartmoor pony to join and help spread the word about these wonderful ponies!
Membership Fees:
Full member: $25/year
Junior member (under 18): $5/year
Life member: $200
Registration Fees: members (non-members) Fee changes effective April 1, 2017
Colts or fillies - $20 ($40)
To be registered by Dec 31 of their second year.
Fees double after Dec 31 deadline.
Re-registration of colt to stallion - $50 ($100) -
Transfer of ownership - $10 ($10)
Replacement registration certificate - $20 ($20)
In addition to transfer fee. Issued if original lost or destroyed. -
Registration of imported ponies - $5 ($10)
Registration of prefix - $5 ($5)
Members may use prefixes to their ponies' names.
Prefixes must be registered with the DPRA. -
Half-bred registry - $20 ($40)
Dartmoor Breeders List: Send information and check for $25/yr to DPRA Secretary.
Board Members:
President: Susan Deutermann (336-432-7997)
Registrar: Lory Eighme Leighme@sas.upenn.edu
(DPRA 816 Old Schuylkill Road, Pottstown, PA 19465)
Secretary/Treasurer: Terri Trimble Catlett dart.sec1@gmail.com
(DPRA 2234 Old Chapel Road, Boyce, VA 22620)
Sue Fullgraf
Tracey Morgan
Jessica Cutsforth
Hetty Abeles

Forms - Updated 12/24
ALL checks for registration or any administration business should go to either Terri Trimble (secretary) or Lory Eighme (Registrar)
(See Mailing Addresses to Left)